Dear Parent/Carer
As you will have probably heard, Monday 19th September will be a national Bank Holiday in respect of the State Funeral for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.
The Department for Education announcement to Headteachers and school leaders stated the following:
The official date of the State Funeral is 19 September 2022. This day will be a bank holiday and settings that are normally closed on a bank holiday should close on this day as a mark of respect. This will include schools and colleges.
All schools, sites, and premises of Ivy Education Trust will be completely closed to staff and pupils on this day.
Schools will re-open and continue as normal the following day, Tuesday 20th September.
We would like to thank the staff in all our schools for their skilled and sensitive handling of the death of the Queen with their pupils. Each school has marked the events of recent days in a manner that has been both compassionate and appropriate for their particular learning community.
Whilst the country mourns the death of our monarch, a family have lost their mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother – our thoughts, sympathies, and condolences are with them.
Kind regards
Katy Quinn Paul Cornish
Chief Executive Officer Executive Director of Education
Ivy Education Trust Ivy Education Trust